Save Women’s Sports Act Introduced

By March 31, 2021North Carolina

The North Carolina State House filed House Bill 358, the Save Women’s Sports Act, last week. This bill proposes “to protect the opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring women are not forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams.” North Carolina becomes the 30th state to introduce legislation to ensure a fair playing field for girls’ sports.

We reported in 2019 a new rule change by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) impacting girls’ sports where the NCHSAA voted in favor of allowing high school students to participate in athletics based upon their preferred gender identity so as “to compete on a level playing field in a safe, competitive and friendly environment, free of discrimination.” This entity is not an elected body by the public, and yet, it is acting unilaterally to destroy women’s high school sports.

Almost 50 years ago, Title IX was passed by Congress and became federal law in 1972 to establish that women and girls have equal opportunities in education and athletics. But, in light of President Biden’s Executive Order “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” his first day in office where women’s sports, women’s scholarships, and transgenders allowed in women’s locker rooms, many states are pushing back.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) has been at the forefront for protecting women’s rights as athletes on the federal level as well as supporting the states. For the facts regarding the protection of women’s rights in sports, click here. Quoted in a recent NY Times article, CWA is “determined to move forward with what may be one of their last footholds in the fight against expanding L.G.B.T.Q. rights.” Indeed!

CWA of North Carolina thanks Representatives Mark Brody (R-Union), Pat McElraft (R-Carteret, Jones), Diane Wheatley (R-Cumberland), and Jimmy Dixon (R-Duplin, Onslow) as primary sponsors. This bill has been referred to the House Judiciary 1 and Education Committees.


  1. Please contact your North Carolina State House Representative and ask him or her to support HB 358, the Save Women’s Sports Act. Use this link to find out who represents you in the State House. If you are a member of CWA of North Carolina, be sure to let them know.
  2. Forward this information to family and friends.

“Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:9

For Truth and Righteousness,

Jill Coward
State Director