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Capitol Hill Brief — He Reigns

By November 21, 2016Uncategorized

It’s Thanksgiving week and my heart feels up with joy and song as I remember just one thing …

God is still king!

That means there’s hope. In the middle of the many difficulties we face personally, as a country, — even in the whole world — we can rest on His unwavering love.

Remember the old hymn?

     This is my Fathers world.
     O let me ne’er forget
     That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
     God is the ruler yet.

     This is my Fathers world:
     Why should my heart be sad?
     The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
     God reigns; let the earth be glad!

This holiday season, we’ll come together to celebrate with family and friends. It’s the perfect time to give thanks and to pray for our nation and each other. Visit for a special Thanksgiving prayer guide today.