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Legislative Update for July 6, 2012

This week both the House and Senate were out of session for the Independence Day recess.

After the disappointing ruling by the Supreme Court, the House will vote again to repeal ObamaCare on July 11. Earlier this year, the House voted 245-189 to repeal ObamaCare, and it is expected to pass again. It is unlikely that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) will bring the repeal bill up for a vote in the Senate, so it will likely die there.

Act now: Call your senators now at 202-224-3121 and urge them to support the repeal of ObamaCare. To find your senators click here. 

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a hearing on July 12 regarding the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  Like other U.N. treaties, this is a lofty goal, but the devil is in the details.  Among the many other problems with this treaty, Article 4(1)(e) requires that “every person, organization, or private enterprise” must eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability. On its face, this means that every home owner would have to make their own home fully accessible to those with disabilities.