Kansas House Passes Value Them Both Amendment! Moves to Final Action. Calls Needed!

By February 6, 2020Kansas

Today, the Kansas House of Representatives passed the Value Them Both Amendment, moving Kansas another step closer to reversing the radical 2019 Kansas Supreme Court abortion ruling. The vote was as follows: 80 yes; 41 no; 4 not voting.

The vote for final action could take place at the beginning of next week. The final passage of the pro-life amendment hinges of just four more representatives voting “yes.” Please contact the following representatives and respectfully urge them to SUPPPORT the Value Them Both Amendment when it comes up for a final action vote.

For more information on the resolution:

Please Join Me in Prayer: Father, I thank you for the favorable passage of the Value Them Both Amendment in the Senate and House. Thank you for the legislators who stood firm and voted yes for the sanctity of life. We have one more vote before the amendment passes, and Lord we need you to move on the hearts of at least four legislators to vote yes in the final vote.  “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” – Job 42:2

Barbara Saldivar
State Director