2011 Constitution Day: Protests, Pickets and Pyromaniacs?

By September 15, 2011Blog

This Constitution Day, forget about attending local parades and commemorative ceremonies. Instead, you have the option to celebrate the birthday of our Constitution this Saturday the 17th by participating in one of two very different political protests.  While one option promises to be a “peaceful assembly,” the other threatens an eruption of flash mob violence and destruction.

The leftist-sponsored “U.S. Day of Rage” will be protesting Wall Street and the United States capitalist system.  Organizers of this event, including Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, have called for an “occupation” of Wall Street and every other financial district across the country. 20,000 disgruntled protestors are expected to infiltrate Wall Street Saturday morning and pitch tents for a late night stakeout.  Although the exact details of “U.S. Day of Rage” are being kept a secret, organizers have promised their event will be non-violent. Yet, with such a large number of angry socialist liberals in one place, many can’t help but fear an outburst of, well, rage.

If “Day of Rage” isn’t your style, try “Picketing Across America,” a National Tea Party-sponsored event.  The event’s founder and organizer, Tina Sims, invites all Americans to peacefully sit on their front porch and hold a picket sign reading, “Can you hear us now?” as a silent but resounding message letting Congress know Americans are sick of the federal government’s fiscal irresponsibility.  Sims told Concerned Women for America, “The reason that I started ‘Picket Across America’ is because I am scared for my children and my grandchildren’s future.  I am scared for America’s future.  Washington needs to hear us loud and clear and have a clear understanding that WE THE PEOPLE are listening and watching, and we do not like what we are witnessing and we are not going to stand for their nonsense any longer.”

Before deciding which demonstration your family will attend on Constitution Day, consider the words of Patrick Henry, “Bad men cannot make good citizens.  A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience are incompatible with freedom.”  Henry’s words warn against uncivilized, lawless protesters like “U.S. Day of Rage” and its participants.  Their hostile leftist agenda threatens the security of our nation and our freedoms.  For our great country to thrive, Americans must pull together and stand up in defense of the principles our nation was founded upon and our inalienable rights (rage is not one of them) guaranteed under our Constitution and given by our Creator.

So this Constitution Day, the choice is yours.  Both events are free of charge, but materials are not included.  If you choose to attend “Picketing Across America,” you will need only a picket sign.  On the other hand, if you attend the “U.S. Day of Rage,” be sure to bring a torch, a pitchfork, and a light jacket — and might I suggest one that is flame retardant?