$1.2 Million “Spenditol” Television Ad Buy Targets Washington’s Spending Addiction

Washington, D.C.-Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) will launch an aggressive $1.15 million television ad buy beginning Thursday, July 21. The “Spenditol” buy targets Washington’s spending addiction during the height of the debt-ceiling debate. The ad will air in four states-Florida, Ohio, Nebraska, and Montana-as well as nationally on cable television networks such as FOX News Channel and CNN.

“Washington, DC has a spending addiction that is jeopardizing our nation’s present and future prosperity,” said Penny Nance, president and CEO of CWALAC. “The federal spending crisis is preventing a real economic recovery and threatening our nation’s future. America’s families demand that Congress and President Obama stop the reckless spending binge and return to fiscal responsibility.”

The 60-second “Spenditol” spot-which can be viewed at www.spenditol.com-parodies a typical pharmaceutical television commercial. A mother with young children speaks of her “chronic pain”-her struggles with work and the economic challenges her family faces with rising prices and a broken economy.

She then explains the new panacea-or snake oil-that Washington has offered:

“Then I learned about a new miracle drug-made in Washington, DC: Spenditol.”

“Spenditol is Washington’s answer to all the painful problems Americans face. How to borrow $800 billion dollars for a stimulus that didn’t create jobs or fix the economy? Spenditol.”

A male announcer then begins the normal litany of disclaimers and drug side effects

“Spenditol is not for everyoneSide effects may include: A mountain of debtHigher prices for everything; Leaving our kids a lesser America than we had. Ask your doctor or Congressman if your conscience is strong enough for Spenditol.”

The mother returns, invoking the trillions of dollars that America is borrowing from China to fund Washington’s insatiable appetite for spending. She concludes

“SpenditolMakes you feel better nowAnd pushes off all that really bad stuff-’till later. For them (referring to children playing in the yard) to deal with.”

The announcer appeals to viewers, “Call the White House and CongressTell them-Stop Spendingit all.”

Concerned Women for America-Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) is the legislation and advocacy arm of Concerned Women for America. Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization dedicated to defending America’s traditional values and promoting public policies that support strong families. Visit us at www.cwalac.org or view the ad online at www.spenditol.us