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Transgender Bathrooms in South Dakota’s Public Schools? Not On Our Watch!

By May 17, 2016South Dakota
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The safety and privacy of your children and grandchildren are in great peril!

On Friday, May 13, the Obama administration issued orders calling for all public schools and universities to permit transgender students to use restrooms and locker rooms corresponding to their gender identity instead of their biological sex. This lawless directive – which came in a letter signed by officials with the Departments of Education and Justice – does not have the authority of law – but does contain an implicit threat: schools that do not abide by the Obama administration orders could face lawsuits or loss of federal funds under Title IX.

The Obama Administration has once again overstepped legal boundaries by redefining the scope and reach of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Obama administration has deemed “sex” an elastic term, and regards “gender” (how one feels) synonymous with “sex” (biology), and is now aggressively embedding “gender” as a part of federal policy, including Title IX funding.  This is something lawmakers who drafted Titles VII and Title IX never even considered.

As State Director of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota, I am gravely concerned about how this dictatorial order will impact the privacy and safety of South Dakota students.  Read CWA’s press release here.

Fifty-one families in Palatine, Illinois have filed a federal lawsuit against the DOE’s attempt  to reverse the Palatine public school’s transgender policy.  Click here to read the full story.

So far, governors and state leaders in twelve states have begun to push back against this outrageous and incredibly dangerous order. SOUTH DAKOTA IS NOT ON THE LIST.  At the time of this writing, only Attorney General Jackley has made a statement in support of HB1008, the Student Privacy Bill that was vetoed by our Governor.  Gov. Dennis Daugaard and Secretary of Education Melody Schopp have remained silent.  To be silent is to be complicit.  They just need to shred the lawless Obama Administration document.

We MUST take action! It is imperative that our state leaders, local school superintendents and local school board members hear from us TODAY!

1.Contact the following people and urge them to refuse to comply with the Obama directive, even if it means losing federal dollars and/or the threat of a lawsuit.  We cannot sacrifice our children and grandchildren on the altar of the money.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard
605-773-3212 or e-mail.

Attorney General Marty Jackley
605-773-3215 or e-mail.

South Dakota Secretary of Education
Melody Schopp
605-773-3134 or e-mail.

2. Contact both your local school superintendent and school board members.  Show up at the next regularly scheduled school board meeting and speak in opposition to the Obama directive.




Please pray that our leaders will have the courage to resist manipulation, pressure and the fear of man.