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Patricia Thompson Appointed State Director for CWA

By February 14, 2013California
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On February 14, Concerned Women for America (CWA) was thrilled to announce the selection of Patricia Thompson as State Director for California.

“California will benefit from Patricia’s willingness to serve others by providing trustworthy leadership as the state director of CWA of California. Her efforts will promote thoughtful and moral policies that build a strong foundation for California families,” stated Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America.

CWA state directors represent the national organization, direct state-wide efforts and serve as volunteer leaders for CWA’s activists within the state. Patricia rose through the ranks by serving as CWA’s Central California Area Director building membership and Prayer/Action Chapters. She is also a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader; a Prayer/Action Chapter is a group of women and like-minded men who pray and act on issues and legislation that affects California families. Patricia has also served in the leadership of Aglow International, ministered in prisons and on various Prayer Teams. She has ministered in Ecuador in churches, the women’s prison, street outreaches and with children.

Patricia became CWA’s state director because she believes in CWA’s goals to impact public policy with Biblical principles and is aware that CWA of California members have great potential to be more involved.

As California’s new state director, Patricia will work with the nearly 28,000 members in the state to organize additional Prayer/Action Chapters, coordinate CWA’s grassroots activities in legislation and media and recruit new members.

CWA’s goals are to preserve the eternal values that support the Biblical design of the family, protect innocent life at all stages, fight pornography and obscenity, tackle the declining quality of education, support the rights of individuals to pray and worship without persecution and increase understanding of the United Nations and its agenda.

As her first act as the State Director for CWA of California, Patricia has planned a Training and Lobby Day for Sunday, March 10 and Monday, March 11.

Whether you have lobbied before or not, all are welcome. No experience necessary! You will be pleasantly surprised at how fun it is.

Sunday evening will be a time of encouragement, prayer and training. Along with Connie Cox, California activist, and Patricia, I will be helping to prepare you for a day at the Capitol.

A full day of activities is planned for Monday at the Capitol. The group will hear from legislators, lobby, prayer walk the capitol grounds, tour the capitol and enjoy fellowship with like-minded individuals. Please save the date and share this information with a friend!

If you live in California, or know someone who does, please contact Patricia to find out her plans for the state as well as about this outstanding March event.

In His service,

Kenda Bartlett
Executive Director