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Abortion Affects More Than One Life

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In 1976 I was finishing college at North Carolina State University when I learned that I was pregnant.

That is a short, simple sentence. Even now, 34 years later the reality of that statement still reminds me of the complete fear and shame that I felt. I had planned to wait until marriage to have sexual relations; yet at that moment, all I could see was a shattered life mine.

Abortion had been legal for about three years and a lot of girls in my dorm were having them. It seemed like my only solution. I did not want to tell my parents, my friends, or anyone I knew. So I scheduled an appointment with Planned Parenthood. A few days later, I was told what was not really a baby could be taken care of for a couple of hundred dollars. During this time, I never asked God what He thought about it. I never asked my pastor what he thought about it. And I certainly never thought my decision would impact my life after the deed was done. But the shame, the lies, and the complete worthlessness that filled my soul after that abortion took twenty five years to surface. Thank God I found the real solution in my surrender to Jesus Christ and trusted him to heal all the years of personal hurt in ways only He could do.

God’s incredible love and mercy compelled me to share with all women who had suffered as I had. I wanted them to know what God can do. Abortion affects every one of our lives, whether we admit it or not. I joined a group called Silent No More Awareness. We hold our sign, “I Regret My Abortion”, and give our public testimonies to express the Truth and the healing through Jesus Christ our Lord.

As I hold my “I Regret My Abortion” sign I pray that my testimony to God’s love and mercy will encourage others and bring glory to God in doing so. I believe those suffering the silent pain of their past need to know that God desires to forgive them and restore their lives to the fullness of His love and grace. Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 6:6.8.

I recommend Concerned Women for America as a reference and support for those considering abortion. Find out how to choose life and make a difference through prayer and action.