From the Gallery State Legislation
The talk in the halls is mostly about taxes; some fear
that the resolution of the tax issue (too much month at
the end of the money) will be delayed until the last
days of the session and then rushed through. This
strategy probably would benefit those who are
pushing for tax increases to solve Kansas' budgetary
problems. It has been reported by Kansas
Liberty (January 21, 2010) that approximately 12
tax-increase advocacy groups have banded together
to form the Kansans for Quality Communities
Coalition. Their mission statement is ". . . ensure the
prosperity of Kansas communities through the
responsible investment of taxpayer dollars." The
groups include lobbyists for the Kansas National
Education Association and the Kansas Association of
School Boards who have threatened to sue the state if
they are not funded to the level the groups feel is
Re-open Montoy?
A coalition of 74 school districts has asked the
Kansas Supreme Court to reopen the 2006 Montoy
v State of Kansas case last week. The
Montoy decision forced the legislature to fund
schools at a higher level than they could afford. With
the economic decline, all services in Kansas are
vulnerable to cuts, leading legislators to worry about
what the Kansas Supreme Court will do if the case is
re-opened. Attorney General Steve Six has asked the
Supreme Court to deny the Schools for Fair Funding
Coalition's request to re-open Montoy. He told
the Court the Legislature has made a bona fide
attempt to fund at the level required by the Court, but
the economic collapse has seriously affected all
budgetary considerations. According to another article
in Kansas Liberty, (January 22, 2010), Six
stated that the "2008 Legislature fully funded the S.B.
549 for FY 2009, the economy collapsed. At virtually
the same time S.B. 23 was signed by cutting the
BSAPP by only $33 (less than 1%)."
The people's pocketbook
According to the Kansas Department of Labor the
average annual salary is $37,336. Any tax increase
impacts families already struggling to make ends
meet. Many of the organizations represented in this
coalition are funded by individuals and/or the
government. In other words, tax dollars are paying
their salaries to lobby for more of your dollars.
Many of your legislators do understand how hard it is
right now for Kansas families so don't assume they
are working against you. Ask first about where they
stand and then politely encourage them to hold the
line of spending and tax increases. If they are
advocating tax increases, share your feelings with
them as soon as possible; personal stories go a long
way toward convincing legislators who need to be re-
Tiller Trial
The man accused of killing late-term abortionist,
George Tiller, is under way; the jury has been
selected, and testimony is taking place. The man
accused of killing Tiller has admitted shooting him,
but claims that he did it to save infant's lives.
Interestingly, the judge has ordered that the
word "abortion" cannot be used unless a witness
uses it first.
Look for bills that will be introduced to "clean up"
some of the Woman's Right to Know informational
materials, close the loop-holes in the state's post-
viability abortion ban and reporting requirements from
KDHE. An effort to eliminate state funding of
organizations that offer abortion services as their main
service or who don't offer other services is under way.
There is currently $300,000 of Title X funds allotted to
Planned Parenthood each year in Kansas. A pro-life
rally was held on Friday to commemorate the Sanctity
of Life. Several thousand participated in the rally and
State Sovereignty
SCR 1615 is in the Senate Judiciary Committee
awaiting the chairman's scheduling to "work" the bill.
Continue to contact your senator about your concerns
about the federal government's intrusion into state's
rights. Ask members of the Judiciary Committee to
advance the bill without amendment so it can go to the
floor of the Senate.
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Owens, Chairman, 785-296-7353
Schmidt, Vice-Chair, 785-296-2497
Bruce, 785-296-7300
Donovan, 785-296-7385
Lynn, 785-296-7382
Pilcher-Cook, 785-296-7362
Schodorf, 785-296-7391
ne Umbarger, 785-296-7389
Vratil, 785-296-7361
Haley, 785-296-7376
Kelly, 785-296-7365
Concerned Women for America of Kansas P. O. Box 11233 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 Phone/Fax: 913-491-1380 Email: director@kansas.cwfa.org Web site: kansas.cwfa.org