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Three Wisconsin Pro-Life Bills Need Your Help to Pass

By January 21, 2014Wisconsin
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Dear CWA of Wisconsin Supporter,
Did you know that here in Wisconsin Planned Parenthood receives 16 Million taxpayer dollars annually?

That amount of money would go a long way toward offering assistance and support for unwed Wisconsin mothers. Yet it seems that we are always unable to attain funds to offer help that can promote Life.

The good news is that currently we have some wonderful and committed legislators who are leading the way with three pro- life bills. These bills would offer assistance to pregnant women in need, protect unborn babies from the horror of being aborted due to gender, and protect you the taxpayer from paying for government employee abortions.

All three bills have passed the Assembly and are now stalled in the Senate. With a Republican majority in the Senate, it is frustrating to hear of a lack of swift scheduling and passage of these three bills.

This is why WE NEED YOU!

Please e-mail or call Gov. Scott Walker at (608) 266-1212 to urge his support of AB 206, 216 and 217. Ask him to let Senate leadership know that these bills must move forward.

Please e-mail or call Sen. Scott Fitzgerald at (608) 266-5660. He is the Senate leader and as a Republican should want nothing more than to see these bills pass.  Ask Senator Fitzgerald to Stand Up for Life!

Call your own state Senator and let them know you are in favor of these bills.  Click here to find out who your legislator is and how to contact them.

Below you will find specific information and links for these bills. You also will find the names of Pro-Life Hero Legislators who are keeping their campaign promises to protect our most precious and innocent, the unborn, by co-sponsoring these bills. They are our leaders for LIFE in Wisconsin. Please call and say thank you.

AB 206

This bill relates to special registration license plates displaying the words Choose Life.  Funds collected would go to assist pregnancy centers in the state.

It was introduced by Representatives JacqueTittlBiesBornEndsleyKleefischKooyengaMurphyA. OttSanfelippoSpirosStrachotaThiesfeldtPridemore and Weininger;                 cosponsored by Senators LazichSchultzLeibham and Grothman

AB 216

This bill will prevent tax dollars from paying for abortion coverage for public employees and will also prohibit the government from mandating that religious organizations, employers and institutions of higher learning provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs.

It was introduced by Representatives JacqueSeversonBiesBornBrooksCraigEndsleyKleefischT. LarsonMurphyMurthaNassA. Ott, Pridemore, Ripp, Sanfelippo, Schraa, Stone, Stroebel, Thiesfeldt and Tittl; cosponsored by Senators GrothmanLazichSchultzFarrow and Kedzie

AB 217  

Assembly Bill 217 fights the real war on women head on by eliminating abortions performed because the baby is the “wrong” sex.

It was introduced by Representatives Kestell, Jacque, Ballweg, Bernier, Born, Brooks, Craig, Endsley, Kaufert, Kleefisch, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, A.Ott, Pridemore, Sanfelippo, Severson, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Looyenga, Tranel, T. Larson and Ripp; cosponsored by Senators LeibhamLazichGrothmanFarrowSchultz and Kedzie

With your help we can send a clear message of Life for all God’s children.

Kim Simac
State Director
CWA of Wisconsin