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Taking a Stand for the 10th Amendment

By February 26, 2010Ohio
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H.C.R. 11 The State Sovereignty Resolution

H.C.R. 11 was introduced so the state of Ohio would take a stand on the 10th Amendment. The intention of the resolution as stated in the resolution is “to serve notice to the Federal Government to cease and desist certain mandates, and to insist that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.”

The federal government is overreaching its constitutional rights over state government’s constitutional rights. The Ohio legislature, along with approximately 35 other states, are sending letters to the federal government claiming state sovereignty as a right given to the states under the U. S. Constitution.

H.C.R. 11 has been assigned to the Committee for State Government for hearings to see if this resolution has enough support and merit to move forward to the full House of Representatives.

Please pray for the passage of this resolution.

Click here to read the resolution.