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South Texas Takes on the Issues of National Security and Planned Parenthood

By February 25, 2016Texas
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txpic24Dear Members,

Many thanks to the globe-trotting MerryLynn Gerstenschlager for speaking at our meeting at the home of member Debbie Smith. MerryLynn was in Paris for the Climate Summit and has been to many other such gatherings as a representative for Eagle Forum.

As always, Alison Gardner prepared a delicious breakfast, with help from Darlene Whitsel and Frances McAneer.  A beautiful and timely opening prayer was given by Jean Crisp.

MerryLynn spoke on national security, a grave concern for all of us as Islamic extremists attack our own citizens right here on American soil and people sneak across our porous borders. While we certainly should be well-informed about the dangers at home and abroad and take steps to protect ourselves, we still must “watch and pray”, knowing our God is greater and stronger than any threats we face.

We signed a petition to be sent to Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan in Washington, D.C., to continue to demand that no tax dollars be given to Planned Parenthood. We will not allow the President’s veto to deter us in this fight to prevent the wanton abuse of our unborn citizens.

Please click here to sign the petition online and then join us in prayer as we seek to restore a culture of life in our nation.

Many thanks to each of you who prays, educates others, and works to bring about a return to Biblical values.

Beverly Uhlmer Roberts
Area Director
CWA of South Texas