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More Pro-Life Bills to be Voted on THIS WEEK!

By March 19, 2013North Dakota
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March 19, 2013

Hello Ladies!

We are in the home stretch! As you know, last week North Dakota made history with the passage of HB 1456 (Heartbeat Bill) and HB 1305 (Prohibition on abortions for sex selection and genetic abnormalities). As we await the governor’s signatures on the two bills, we have business to attend to on three more. By the way, if you haven’t yet called the governor to urge him to sign these two bills, please call his office at 701-328-2200 and let him know you want him to sign them ASAP! (Out of state women’s organizations have letter writing campaigns going to thwart us, so your actions are very important!)

Now, on to today’s prayer and action items. This week the House will consider four more life bills: (We want a YES vote.)

SB 2303-Definition of a human being
SB 2305-Admitting privileges for doctors
SB 2368-Restricting abortions when babies feel pain
SCR 4009-Constitutional amendment to be added to ballot, definition of human being

We ask that you pray and then contact your House representative as soon as you can.

Click here to find your Representative. E-mail him or her and let them know you want a YES vote on all four of these bills. We ARE making a difference in the battle to protect life! The entire nation, and the world, are watching our state and waiting for us to stand and lead the way! With your help we ARE doing just that! Gratefully and humbly, we thank you for the prayer support and for the actions that you take in contacting our legislators. Blessings on your week!