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Help CWA Get Out the Vote in Kansas!

By September 29, 2016Kansas
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It is election season, and Concerned Women for America (CWA) says it’s “game on” to get conservative women and men registered to vote and to the polls this election cycle!  I hope you exercise not only your right as an American, but your responsibility as a Christian by voting in the General Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.  This is a courtesy reminder that you must be registered to vote by October 18, 2016, in order to vote in the General Election.

Get Involved In Kansas!

Step #1– Ensure YOU are registered to vote. Go to Vote KS to check the following:

  • Voter registration status
  • Mail-in application and ballot status
  • Poll location
  • Early voting locations
  • Elected Officials
  • Registration information on file with the county office

Step #2– Hold a registration event at your church.

  • Click here to read information for voter registration events held in Kansas.

Voter Registration Deadline: October 18, 2016
Suggested Registration Drive: October 9 or 16, 2016
General Election: November 8, 2016

We would LOVE to hear back from you if you plan on holding a registration drive! Do not hesitate to contact CWA of Kansas by phone (785) 260-5659 or e-mail if you have any questions about holding a voter registration drive.

Step #3– Review the party platform comparison document.

We have included for you a 2016 Party Platform Comparison. You can review the Republican platform outlined in red and the Democratic platform outlined in blue. We want to urge you to take the time to look these over and pass them out to your neighbors, friends, church leaders, and anyone in your sphere of influence who could benefit from knowing the truth.

Step #4– Attend Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee Candidate Forums in Topeka, Lawrence and Wamego! (Be sure to check the date and time online the day before the event to be sure the date has not changed.)

If there is not a candidate forum in your area please contact us so that we can work together to have one in your town.

October 3, Northland Christian Church
7:00-8:30 p.m.
3102 NW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66617

October 13, Christ Covenant Church
7:00-8:30 p.m.
2312 Harvard Rd
Lawrence, KS 66049

October 20, Iron Clad
7:00-8:30 p.m.
427 Lincoln St.
Wamego, KS 66547

Pray for the upcoming election and that Christians would get to the polls this November.

Let’s get-out-the-vote, Kansas!

Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWALAC of Kansas
(785) 260-5659