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Emergency Contraception Plan B

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Presentation on Emergency Contraception, Plan B

Dr. Sandra Reznik, St. Johns University

Rep. Dan Stewart (D-District 25) has sponsored H.B. 333, the Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act (CARE), which requires emergency rooms to provide emergency contraception in cases of rape.

There is concern from other Ohio representatives, pro-life organizations and individuals in Ohio that emergency contraception may interfere with a fertilized egg implanting in the uterus. In an effort to refute this concern, Rep. Stewart has invited Dr. Sandra Reznik to Ohio to speak on emergency contraception Plan B and how it works; she concludes that Plan B stops the process of fertilization but does not act as an abortifacient. Dr. Reznik came to this conclusion from research she has conducted over the past year and was published in the Health Progress, The Journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.

There is however other research, that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relied on, that states that emergency contraception Plan B does interfere with the planting of the fertilized egg in the uterus.” Because of this controversy, this bill and our legislators must address the conscience rights of medical personnel. There are some people that don’t believe in contraception at all, and even if Dr. Reznik’s conclusion is correct, we still need to address the conscience rights of these people.

Please pray about this presentation by Dr. Reznik on May 26; pray that the truth will be revealed about emergency contraception Plan B.