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Calls Needed to the Governor to Protect Religious Liberty in South Dakota

By March 10, 2017South Dakota
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“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.  (Galatians 6:9)

As you know, a victory for religious liberty was achieved in the South Dakota Legislature on Tuesday!  SB 149 provides certain protections to faith-based or religious child-placement agencies.

We are grateful for this victory in the Legislature, we now await Gov. Daugaard’s signature on SB149.

Now is not the time for us to become complacent.  You can be certain that the ACLU, Human Rights Watch and other liberal groups are busy contacting the Governor urging him to veto the bill.  They do not rest.


If you haven’t already, please call Gov. Dennis Daugaard at (605) 773-3212, and/or e-mail him, and respectfully ask him to sign SB 149 into lawto ensure faith-based child placement agencies can continue to place children as they have been doing for decades according to their stated Biblical beliefs.

Pass this alert on to others.  Share it with your family and friends.

Once again, thank you for both your prayers and action.

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota